Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Hannah hoch is famous for photo montage so I started cutting up images and mix matching them to create the style she does. 

I've drawn Bowie from album covers in his most iconic looks ( scary monsters album and Alladin sane ) as I didn't have enough sketches of him in my white sketchbook , I drew him in the hannah hoch section in hopes to put these two pictures together and make it into the style of her work.  

Again adding photos from the internet to let people know what peices of her work I was focusing on whilst experimenting .. 

This was the outcome ... Using coloured pencils I drew the left side of Alladin sane and the right side from scary monsters album cover. 


I started with some Diego max drawings because it was the point where I was at with my other sketchbook research.. Using coloured pencils I realised this was  one of my favourite techniques to do as the drawings stand out so much and look really bold 

Developing research, I've drawn a sketch of madonna and re created it in the style of Diego max ( focusing on anatomy ) 

I looked mainly at 2 peices of his work and have put the pictures at the side so when people read my sketchbook they will understand why I've drawn what I have. Love this sketch! I loved experimenting and realised shading and detailing was a strong point for me, this has made me produce better drawings throughout this project and push myself more. 

Here is the same drawing of madonna this time looking at completely different peice of Diego Max's work I've experimented with newspaper going over in tea bag to give it a retro vintage look like he uses in his prints & cut out wallpaper peices from a wallpaper I purchased because the butterflies and flowers reminded me of Diego Max's work. I think it works well, also a lot of annotation in my sketchbook. Slowly getting better at it. 

I then used the same image one more time this time reversing what I'd just done, I drew over newspaper as his works backgrounds usually have newspaper peices in and using shading and coloured pencils I re created madonna and gave her some butterflies wings. 


Although it does have great research I started a smaller black paper sketchbook to start some drawings which went with my research... 

First sketchbook! Information...

My first sketchbook it includes ALOT of writing because writing down what I know about everything has helped me understand my project more and also I've got more than enough information to add things I've learnt to my boards, I like to look back at the pages I've done because I've documented my progress and it just helps me when producing boards. 

My first sketchbook

I started this sketchbook very early in the project, I've used it to add my research into its full of information on 1980s events trends music films etc, personal research, Hepworth gallery visit, iconic research & of course my 4 main chosen icons and chosen artists.

Although it does include pictures from the internet and some material I bought to add to my research ( E.g lace and fishnet for madonnas gloves ) shown in older post! It didn't have a lot of my own sketches ...  
I've been looking at Pinterest on other peoples art work on the icons and I love how this looks, all the different personas and styles looks amazing!!